Week 7
Khan academy - visit the Pre algebra Grade 8 tasks
Read What is a "negative number"? What happens when I add or subtract one of these? If you come to this tutorial armed with the basics of adding and subtracting numbers, you'll learn about what happens in the world below zero! You will learn what negative numbers are and how we can add and subtract them.
Then; Adding and Subtracting integers
You understand that negative numbers represent how far we are "below zero". Now you are ready to add and subtract them! In this tutorial, we will explain, give examples, and give practice adding and subtracting negative numbers. This is a super-important concept for the rest of your mathematical career so, no pressure, learn it as well as you can!
Lastly try: multiplying and dividing
It is starting to dawn on you that negative numbers are incredibly awesome. So awesome that you are feeling embarrassed to think how excited you are about them! Well, the journey is just beginning. In this tutorial we will think about multiplying and dividing numbers throughout the number line!
Week 6
24 - 28 August
For your Khan Academy assignment -
Go to the repeating decimal tasks. There are six aspects to this:
(https://www.khanacademy.org/math/cc-eighth-grade-math/cc-8th-numbers-operations/cc-8th-repeating-decimals/e/writing-fractions-as-repeating decimals)
then go to:
Square roots and decimals as the next task to revisit
ORAL Reading
Prepare a two and a half to three minute excerpt from a favourite book to read to your classmates. You may choose poetry or prose.
Next Monday, 31 August, we will commence the day with 15 minutes oral reading by different students.
Make sure you are well prepared with your book/magazine/written resource at school. Take time this week to practice your delivery so that your listeners are engrossed with the part that you have elected to read to your classmates.
Make sure you are well prepared with your book/magazine/written resource at school. Take time this week to practice your delivery so that your listeners are engrossed with the part that you have elected to read to your classmates.
Here's one to read:
Beyond the Deepwoods
by Paul Stewart, Illustrated by Chris Riddell
Spelda tousled her son’s thick black hair. He’s grown so fast, she thought, and wiped a tear from the end of her rubbery button-nose. ‘A tale can have many endings,’ she said sadly, and watched the purple light from the fire gleaming on Twig’s high cheekbones and sharp chin. ‘From the moment you were born,’ she began, as she always began, ‘you were different . . .’
Twig nodded. It had been painful, so painful, being different when he was growing up. Yet it amused him now to think of his parents’ surprise when he had appeared: dark, green-eyed, smooth-skinned, and already with unusually long legs for a woodtroll. He stared into the fire.
The lufwood was burning very well. Purple flames blazed all round the stubby logs as they bumped and tumbled around inside the stove.
The woodtrolls had many types of wood to choose from and each had its own special properties. Scentwood, for instance, burned with a fragrance that sent those who breathed it drifting into a dream-filled sleep, while wood from the silvery-turquoise lullabee tree sang as the flames lapped at its bark — strange mournful songs, they were, and not at all to everyone’s taste. And then there was the bloodoak, complete with its parasitic sidekick, a barbed creeper known as tarry vine.
Obtaining bloodoak wood was hazardous. Any woodtroll who did not know his woodlore was liable to end up satisfying the tree’s love of flesh — for the bloodoak and the tarry vine were two of the greatest dangers in the dark and perilous Deepwoods.
Certainly the wood of the bloodoak gave off a lot of heat, and it neither smelled nor sang, but the way it wailed and screamed as it burned put off all but a few. No, among the woodtrolls, lufwood was by far the most popular. It burned well and they found its purple glow restful.
Twig nodded. It had been painful, so painful, being different when he was growing up. Yet it amused him now to think of his parents’ surprise when he had appeared: dark, green-eyed, smooth-skinned, and already with unusually long legs for a woodtroll. He stared into the fire.
The lufwood was burning very well. Purple flames blazed all round the stubby logs as they bumped and tumbled around inside the stove.
The woodtrolls had many types of wood to choose from and each had its own special properties. Scentwood, for instance, burned with a fragrance that sent those who breathed it drifting into a dream-filled sleep, while wood from the silvery-turquoise lullabee tree sang as the flames lapped at its bark — strange mournful songs, they were, and not at all to everyone’s taste. And then there was the bloodoak, complete with its parasitic sidekick, a barbed creeper known as tarry vine.
Obtaining bloodoak wood was hazardous. Any woodtroll who did not know his woodlore was liable to end up satisfying the tree’s love of flesh — for the bloodoak and the tarry vine were two of the greatest dangers in the dark and perilous Deepwoods.
Certainly the wood of the bloodoak gave off a lot of heat, and it neither smelled nor sang, but the way it wailed and screamed as it burned put off all but a few. No, among the woodtrolls, lufwood was by far the most popular. It burned well and they found its purple glow restful.
Week 5
It's back to Khan Academy this week and I hope more than the six students who visited this site last week, do so this week.
Topics to try are
- Probability and statistics: Here's the link https://www.khanacademy.org/math/probability/statistical-studies/statistical-questions/e/statistical-questions. Copy and paste this into your browser as I have not activated this link.
- Types of statistical studies - again here's the link: https://www.khanacademy.org/math/probability/statistical-studies/types-of-studies/v/types-statistical-studies
- Multi step word problems at Grade 7 US Link www.khanacademy.org/math/cc-seventh-grade-math/cc-7th-fractions-decimals/cc-7th-multistep-word-probs/v/multistep-word-problems-example-1
Maths Weeks Activities Week 4
You must complete one of these as a homework task during Week 4.
Ask for paper and work on one task at home. GLUE or draw any planning into your homework book to show evidence of how you have gone about the task. Be sure to follow the criteria AND meet the Friday deadline.
CREATE an ‘EXPLAIN IT’ POSTER’: Students to design an
A4 poster to clearly illustrate and explain a concept or process to a student.
1. How to calculate a %
of given amounts so when they go shopping they can work out how much they need
to pay.
2. How to understand and
recall the tricky x-tables that are hard to remember
ACTIVITY: (template will be provided): Find or draw an
object to reflect through the mirror line/s on the small grid. Enlarge the
completed image onto the large grid. Calculate the scale factor to see how much
bigger the image is from the original.
DAY TREAT: design and construct a package for a
treat for Dad (attached criteria)
and create)
must be a mobile or hanging construction (maximum
size is 60cm x 60cm x 1metre from top hook to the bottom of the construction),
with a single strong hook to be hung from. Constructions larger than this will
not be accepted.
of materials used is up to the creator.
Must show one of the following 4 concepts of maths in
everyday life:
1) Time 2) Money
3) Games and Recreation and 4) Cars and Transport
5) Famous mathematician or
will be taken into consideration.
poster must be on A4 size paper and black and white. It may have shading but no
colour. Orientation must be in ‘portrait’.
imaginative mathematical design is required that must include all of the following mathematical shapes:
1) a circle, 2) an oval 3) a polygon, and 4) a three dimensional shape (two
dimensional perspective)
is to be computer generated, using
appropriate paint/publisher or Google tools.
poster is to be the work of one student.
only lettering should be MATHSMATTERS
2016. Please note that Mathsmatters
is one word. (A selection of entries
will be used for next year’s handouts/booklets.)
House entries must
be in Mrs Clark’s office by 1.00 p.m. Friday 14th August
1. Clearly named with name, class and year level
2. One Y. 7 and one Y. 8 entry per house in each
category only
3. Placed on the trestle table in the correct category/year
Term 3 Week 1
Here is the link on Khan Academy for this week. See how accurately you can estimate measurement:
This week practise find areas and perimeters of various geometrical shapes. You can start with rectangles and then move to triangles and circles:
Week 10
Homework is very simple this week. Be sure you have aspects of your Literacy in your Learning Journal and Maths in your maths book to share with your parents. Remember you are the speaker in your conference so it's you telling your parents what you have achieved.
I've put the overview about the Term 3 FPS topic on Propaganda just to get you thinking!
Khan Academy is all about Algebra
Visit the Science page too! The challenge is to learn the lyrics!
Week 9
It's nearly Science week so the focus is on completing your science board. If you share your writing on google docs, I will edit and comment so you can upgrade your experiment.
Week 8
Take time to work on your investigation or technology product. Remember this all has to written up and ready for marking in Week 10 -that's Monday 22 June.
Khan Academy: use this link to find out more about RATIOS and PROPORTION
Read the questions on the FPS page and comment.
Week 6
Write your opinion on the FPS page:
Do people have a right to know what is in their food and where it was produced? Who should be responsible for making this information available?
Take up the challenge to design a poster for 'We can be Heroes'
Here's the link;
Poster Competition for "We Can be Heroes"
Maths link to Khan Academy: Practice in using mean, mode, median and range
Week 5
Its a busy week with IKAN ON Thursday and the ICAS Digital Technology paper on Tuesday.
Remember to check the Science book on the Science page to track where you should be in your investigation.
Week 4 10 - 14 May
Tasks for this week
- visit the science page and learn more about the father of chemistry - Antoine Lavoisier
- complete the 'Reading for Pizza' summary -https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1N1O6zHHGPqgaYyokSyIu_KYAQVHwcD5b4zQEKpvyvtw/edit#slide=id.g90564412f_0_0 or
- http://www.lianza.org.nz/lianza-and-hell-pizza-reading-challenge-2015
- Khan Academy https://www.khanacademy.org/math/pre-algebra/decimals-pre-alg/comparing-decimals-pre-alg/v/comparing-decimals-1-example
Week 3 4 - 8 May
Watch this video
and comment on the FPS page.
Go to the Reading tab and fill in your reading log!
This week's link to Khan Academy
Work through all the exercises.
Week 2: 28 April - 1 May
As there are only four days this week, the focus is on Maths.
Log on to Khan Academy and work through some of tasks that are important for you to know. Many of you are expecting that what you achieve in class is sufficient. Our recent Levels 3, 4 and 5 test proves this to be untrue and unrealistic. My recommendation is 3 x 20 minute blocks a week.
These links are must for many of you:
If you can't log on use this pathway:
Join your class with a class code.
You need to:
You need to:
- Sign up at khanacademy.org (or log in with their existing accounts)
- Visit khanacademy.org/coaches
- There, in the "Add a coach" field, enter the class code MYMUJC
Think about your SCIENCE ideas and log that concept on our Science page
Have your GALLIPOLI presentation ready for sharing on Thursday. Air Books will be available in class on Tuesday. Thank you to all the students who have shared their slide shows with me so far. They are of an extremely high quality with much information about what happened on the peninsular 100 years ago.
We have an e-asTTle test on Number on Thursday. Make sure you revisit areas of Number that you are unsure about. Use Khan Academy wisely.
Term 2
Week 1 20 April - 24 April
- Visit the Science page and enter your directions for your science investigation or invention
- Hit the Science Learning Hub http://sciencelearn.org.nz/ and locate a item that interests you that you can share during Five Minutes with.... during Term 2
- Visit the Writing page - finish your diary and learn 'For the Fallen' off by heart
- Visit the FPS page and read the overview of our topic for Term 2 'Processed Food'
Week 8
Week 7
Week 6 |
Week 4 |
How are you getting on with your design for the garden art? Here is a site that has many very creative ideas to help.
Write a brief explanation of what you have made and how you put it together. Include some of the recycled products you have used.
ReplyDeleteI have made a windchime made out of recycled bike parts from local bike stores and a bike we no longer used. I spray painted them purple and silver and hanged the parts together with fishing nylon. I love it!!
ReplyDeleteI made an owl but it looks nothing like an owl. It's made out of old bits of steel. I designed the owl but when it got wealded the design changed so now it doesn't have a beak but i might fix that tonight with something else. :)
ReplyDeleteI have made a scarecrow, which hardly looks like one, out of a broken edge trimmer, two broken mixers and an old drink bottle, which I all found in my garage and garden. I painted the scarecrow purple at school.
ReplyDeleteI have made a flower out of fluro buttons and a pen; I even made a rainjacket for it which is at home. I also made a car sculpture out of a toy car and a shovel.
ReplyDeleteI have made a windmill out of plastic bottles and cans on the top and bottom i have placed succulent plants. In the middle I have a windmill made out of a large bottle.
ReplyDeleteI have made a bumblebee out of an old broken shovel, I painted it with stripes and eyes, used old washers for its pupils, old netting from a gas bottle for wings and I am really proud of it.
ReplyDeleteI love that video.
ReplyDeletei love that video about food